Saturday, December 31, 2005

My Alien Love Child

See the fist? Leave this kid alone! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I made a horrible mistake

I got so wrapped up in the number of American fatalities in Iraq that I neglected the men and women who come home wounded. In many cases their entire lifestyles have to change due to amputations and other medical complications from their wounds. The military tries to help these people medically, but they are limited in what they do beyond that.

That's where Homes For Our Troops comes in. This organization builds custom homes for troops who are forced to make lifestyle changes due to their wounds. You may have seen them on Extreme Make-over Home Edition or in a bunch of magazines -- their amazing work is getting the recognition they deserve, and need in order to continue.

Please stop by their website to see what they are all about:
If you are able, send them a little something; help make a difference for people who put everything on the line for you.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Katrina tolls have soared past 1200 people.

If you are able, please donate to Toys for Tots this Christmas. It is especially important this year with so many families still in shelters and temporary housing.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Save the Bluths!!!!

Fox is threatening to cancel my beloved show, Arrested Development, again. Bastards. They've done pretty much everything they could to kill it this year, so some bigwig out is Fox is probably patting himself on the shoulder right now. But whatever. We must save them. Or the very least, give them a dignified death.

Arrested Development is a fantastic show. Sure, it may take a few episodes to get you into it as the story is fairly well developed at this point. But who could watch a few episodes when Fox couldn't decided *which* Monday night they were going to air it? Duh! Hard to follow a show when its not on regularly and when the network never advertises which weeks that it actually will be on.

Again, I digress. Let's give the Bluths the love they deserve, check out this website to save them: Save Our Bluths they link to some pretty cool merch. If you have the cash splurge for one of the items and become a member of an elite club of people with a smart sense of humor. And by the way, Fox sucks.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New Ink

I promised the guys that when they headlined a tour, I would do this. I love the band; it is such a cool thing to be able to keep in contact with them and watch them get the recognition they deserve. This tattoo was a long time coming and I'm really happy with it. A side benefit is, when customers ask me what it means (and they have), it's like a free advertising. I am a walking Louis XIV billboard. ;-)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday, December 05, 2005