Sunday, January 16, 2005


Lately I've been noticing that damn near every person who plastered a George W. Bush sticker on their car is driving a big-ass, hard to see around, gas guzzling, giant accident causing, smog encouraging, waste of money SUV. And mostly luxury SUVs at that -- you know, the ones where the 4 wheel drive is a complete waste? I wonder, is this a coincidence? Or are more and more people ok with lining our sorry ass president's pockets with dirty oil money? hmmmmmmmm

OH! Trent Reznor posted on his site. With Teeth is done. Now, you might think this news would calm Amy down... watch she's gonna have 57 thousand posts now about when is the release date and how he better not change the date, etc. I would roll my eyes, but honestly, the whole thing is just a touch on the funny side to me. Hee hee! Love you, girl!

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