See the fist? Leave this kid alone!

Yeah, it's long! But Trent deserves it. And look at all of the other stuff we love that we were able to squeeze in. Yay!
Oops, I took the last word. Sorry!
I'm not sure if you are the person to say this to or not, or even if it matters what I think, but here goes.
I've been listening to the Buzz for ten years. I've been loyal. But lately, I've noticed a decline. It started with the loss of the Morning Buzz team, but that was the tip of the iceberg. The Buzz takes no chances anymore. For example, I called the other night to request a song by a very talented up-and-coming band, Louis XIV. They were named one of Rolling Stone's 10 Bands To Watch in 2005 and they have been featured in commercials, on television, in ads and video games, and all over the place. I called to request their single and was told that since it did not do well
on "Dropping Trou," it was dropped from the play list. I can't express to you how angry that made me. The Buzz uses Dropping Trou to judge whether or not a band is worthy of air time? Don't you think that is flawed? I didn't hear it, no one I know heard it, or else we would have called to say we love the song and we love the band.
Due to that experience, I decided to give up listening to the Buzz. I bought satellite radio, along with a group of people I know who were also furious with the Buzz for its lack of balls, for lack of a better term. Wouldn't you know it, one of the first songs I heard when I tuned in to Sirius, was Finding Out True Love Is Blind by Louis XIV.
Figures, doesn't it?
Corporate Radio will die if it doesn't start taking chances. I would much rather pay for radio and hear new and interesting things minus the endless stream of commercials than listen to the same 20 songs over and over again.
You guys are losing listeners left and right. I don't know if you realize it or not. Take some advice from someone who used to be loyal and do something. quick. Expand your Buzz Junior segment...just let those artists into the main airplay! You will find that people will LOVE hearing new things and saying they heard it before anyone else did. I'm sad! I used to love the Buzz, but because you had no real reason not to play one of my favorite bands, I'm done with Corporate Radio. Infinity needs to wake up.
Amy Bower
Thanks for noticing the decline...we've been working really hard onIsn't that mature and professional?
it...enjoy the satellite...
How much are you paying a month for radio that could care less about you? Just for the heck of it, the reason we didn't play Louis XIV is because the song sucked...no one tells us what to play. We make our own decisions! Lastly when you write an email to someone telling them how much they suck don't expect a friendly reply...
signed, dickhead ...and yes our listeners matter...the ones who care to write constructive criticisms......
Sweet Emotion Aerosmith -- It's a long story
Physical NIN version -- Reznor, growling, primal...
Turn Me On performed by Norah Jones -- reminds me of making out with a guy in the
corner of a smoky jazz club.
The Only Time Nine Inch Nails "This song is about.... FUCKING." The noise
he makes in the middle of the song.
The World in My Eyes Depeche Mode -- makes you wanna bump and grind.
Eleventeen Convoy -- This song is sex. Good, old fashioned, dirty sex. And DAMN do I love those drums! YEAH!
Downfall Trust Company -- It rocks so hard it makes Amy wanna rip her clothes off in a frenzy. (Note: Do not listen to this while driving...)
Delirium by Terra Firma (from Tomb Raider Sdtrk) -- Angelina Jolie in the shower. 'Nuff said.
The Fuse Bruce Springsteen -- grinding beat, that voice, an unbearably sexy little song with a life-affirming message behind it.
Fire ala Bruce Springsteen -- OH. MY. GOD. This is all Amy has to say about it.
Aqueous Transmission Incubus -- Well, okay, this one isn't full on
grope-me-now music, but it gets me going because of Brandon Boyd's silky voice and the relaxed, summer-afternoon feel of it.
Is Patience Still Waiting The Julianna Theory -- The lead singer of this band is REALLY HOT and this song is a loud, melodic, rock-your-hips-to-the-beat amazement. The way certain parts of the song are screamed really gets me going.
Wicked Garden Stone Temple Pilots -- BURNNNNNN! BURN! BURN! Burn your wicked garden down...
Smooth Santana with Rob Thomas -- Normally Rob Thomas' voice annoys me to the point where I want to shake him until he stops whining; but I think Santana's incredible, spine tingling guitar mellows out the voice. Or maybe Thomas doesn't whine so much in this song. Either way, this song really does it for me, I just want someone to do what Santana does to his guitar on my spine. Ummmmm hmmmmm.
Anything by Louis XIV Ok, so this will seem kind of kiss ass-y, but seriously, listen to the music and try *not* to have dirty thoughts. Impossible!
I know this isn’t a particularly original thing to confess, but Joe Perry has always done it for me. There isn’t any one thing that stands out for me; it’s just him. I want to do naughty things to him. I enjoy planning them.
When I was in high school I had a plan: I was going find a way to meet Aerosmith so that when they got inducted into the Hall of Fame I could give the speech. I even started to write it, confident that if my mere existence didn’t make Joe Perry fall instantly in love with me, my words would. Here’s a taste:
When I was five, I wanted to be Madonna. When I was twelve I wanted to be Janet Jackson. When I was sixteen I wanted Joe Perry.Well, the boys got inducted without my wonderful speech and I moved on to Plan B. I would somehow manage to become a roadie for the band, get access to Joe Perry and convince him to wear nothing but tight, shiny, leather pants all the time. (I aim high, I know.)
So, in a feeble attempt to get access, I bought tickets to see Aerosmith from the grass section of a northern Virginia amphitheater in September, 2001. (They had a second stage in the grass, I was like, THIS close for a whole ten minutes.)
The concert was amazing. They played some of their absolute best songs and played them with more energy than I don’t even know what. Toward the end of the night the guys started to play “Sweet Emotion.” I love this song. I love the fat ass bass, I love the dulcimer, I love all the hooks. Of course, they jammed and made the song about ten minutes long. This is when the moment of glory occurred.
Joe Perry, wearing some flimsy shirt and tight tight pants, balanced his guitar between his thighs and fingered the neck with his left hand. With his right hand he reached back to his amplifier and started to twist the knob.
Now, I know Aerosmith jams on Sweet Emotion almost everytime they play it. Yes, I have seen Joe Perry play with his knobs many times. I get that technically, there was nothing special about it. But there was something about that performance, that night, that really resonated.
Thank GOD for the cameraman. Since I was standing miles away in the grass area, there is no way I ever would have gotten the erotic charge that I did had that INCREDIBLE cameraman not zoomed in on Joe Perry’s guitar and stayed there for the entire spectacle.
I stood in the middle of all the grass, jaw at my feet, at a loss for what my next plan would be to get access to this man and do terrible things to him.
Amy was with me and while she also appreciated the moment, she couldn’t help but laugh when she saw my reaction. (We are both convinced that the cameraman was actually a woman.)
I spent the rest of the night in a half stupor, re-living the moment over and over. (Every time I hear that song, at the very least, I squirm, at best…)
As we were getting ready to leave Amy and I were talking about the glorious moment. A girl who must have been around fifteen turned to us and said “Joe Perry has nice boobies.”
Honey, Joe Perry has nice EVERYTHING.