The first photos are from Music Midtown back in June. Technically, Louis XIV's set back then was my kid's first concert. 'Cept I didn't know it at the time. It just so happened to work out that the next concert I went to after Midtown was a Louis show at the Roxy, so either way it works out. Cool. I threw in a few pics from that show, too. Oh, did I mention that they headlined the Roxy that night and were AWESOME?! I know the awesome part goes without saying, but it was pretty cool to get an official Louis XIV ticket without some other band's name printed on it.
And remember, next Monday, Charlize on Arrested Development. 8 pm. Fox. Be there. My future child's well being depends on it since I won't be able to keep the kid in diapers if I have to shell out for cable. (Yes, I will sink so low as to use my kid... this is for a good cause. Besides which, the kid can hear now and I'm pretty sure I could feel it laughing. Which means my child obviously has good taste and not only enjoys Louis XIV, but is also an AD fan.)
Without further ado...

This is the only decent picture I got at Midtown that included Hot Bass Player. Now I know for future concerts to stand more toward the middle. Even if it means hurting little girls to get there. I promise I won't do any permanent damage. Especially to their libidios.

Here is the lovely Brian, 8 stories tall. Hee hee!

Not to be out done, here is an 8 story Jason. Amy, did I hear you slurping??

This was the clearest shot I got of Mark.

This is the coolest picture I got of Mark, but that stupid line jacks it up. I think there was a breeze or something that screwed it up. A few pics came out like that. I couldn't trash this one though because it was so damn cool. I tried to mess with it in Photoshop. That online class my boss popped for really paid off, huh? Anyway, I don't regret blowing out my cheap ass car speakers one bit. Mark rocks!

Louis XIV at the Roxy in Atlanta, August 2005.

More of Louis XIV at the Roxy in Atlanta, August 2005.

I just thought this was a funny picture of my dogs.

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