...when I saw a blog post about how McCain "turned the momentum" last night at the last debate. WTF? So, I took it upon myself to post this to the woman's blog. I just couldn't help myself.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but John McCain most certainly did not change anything last night. I used to respect him until he let his campaign turn into one big lying fest of hatred.
Let me explain something to you. Under the Republicans, the philosophy has been SPEND, SPEND, SPEND. ASTRONOMICAL debt. Borrowing from China. No end in sight. Billions of dollars wasted in Iraq. Deregulations and tax breaks for giant oil companies.
I would MUCH rather have a "TAX AND SPEND" (such a trite, overused phrase, by the way, where is your originality?) Democrat in power than a SPEND SPEND SPEND Republican who will leave my daughter and her generation with debt up to their eyeballs. Out of the last four presidents, who left us with a surplus? Reagan? NO. Bush #1? NO. Bush #2? NO. IT WAS CLINTON. He was the only president in the last 20 years to leave us with a healthy surplus only to have it not only erased, but turned into MASSIVE debt by the disastrous policies of W. How many times does Obama have to say that IF YOU MAKE UNDER $250,000 YOU WILL GET A TAX BREAK for you to get it? Does he have to sky write it? Maybe he has to start a whisper campaign, because that seems to be the only way most neocons ever listen to ANYTHING.
I guess the Republicans are so used to being lied to by THEIR OWN PARTY about taxes ("READ MY LIPS") that they assume everyone is lying about it. That's really sad.
McCain can't stand on his own two feet about economic issues. He's been so aligned with Bush that it's almost impossible to tell their decisions apart when put side-by-side. So, hey, if you like the way the country is going, with thousands of foreclosures, sky-high gas prices and a 6% unemployment rate, then go ahead and vote for McCain. Don't you worry, though. Those of us who are paying attention and NOT drinking the GOP's kool-aid will rescue the rest of you by voting OBAMA this election. You're welcome.
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