Fox is threatening to cancel my beloved show, Arrested Development, again. Bastards. They've done pretty much everything they could to kill it this year, so some bigwig out is Fox is probably patting himself on the shoulder right now. But whatever. We must save them. Or the very least, give them a dignified death.
Arrested Development is a fantastic show. Sure, it may take a few episodes to get you into it as the story is fairly well developed at this point. But who could watch a few episodes when Fox couldn't decided *which* Monday night they were going to air it? Duh! Hard to follow a show when its not on regularly and when the network never advertises which weeks that it actually will be on.
Again, I digress. Let's give the Bluths the love they deserve, check out this website to save them:
Save Our Bluths they link to some pretty cool merch. If you have the cash splurge for one of the items and become a member of an elite club of people with a smart sense of humor. And by the way, Fox sucks.