Trust me on this:
Friday, June 24, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005
Our Husbands Saved Our Lives at Nine Inch Nails
And thank God for that -- the concert was too good to miss!
We saw Nine Inch Nails at the Tabernacle in Atlanta, on May 21st. There are no words to describe how amazing the show was. But we will try.
Amy, are you out of your lust coma? Would you like to start describing Mr. Trent Reznor's extreme hotness?
Thank you Elaine, of course I would. However, I am not quite out of the lustful state yet. It's not a coma anymore so much as psychosis. I can't listen to With Teeth anymore without picturing the muscular, smoldering, sinewy, gorgeously sweaty, screaming, sighing, aching, REAL Trent. He's REAL! REAL! He EXISTS! We saw him! In fact, we were six feet away during some of the show (until the aforementioned brush with concert death under the feet of a thousand riled up gothies happened) and about five feet away AFTER the show.

He's real. I didn't just dream him up out of what I think are the perfect ingredients to throw together to make someone so hot it hurts. He ISN'T just my dreamed up mix of gruff anger, soulful sensitivity, howling rage, long, lean muscles and poetic anguish, all cleaned up and healthy and beautiful.
Although, to be honest, I still feel like I was watching it on TV. I've loved that man for half my life. The entire half that has been interested in sex. ;-)
Any more thoughts, Elaine?
p.s. MUST... SEE... HIM... AGAIN.... VOO.... DOO.... MUSIC...FESTIVAL...
Ok, so that covers the Trent is hot aspect. Let's move on to the concert itself. The Dresden Dolls opened and they were awesome. I love the drummer, Brian Viglione. He's very cool. About halfway through the show, Amanda Palmer, weird girl/frontman extrodiare, lifted her arms to reveal very hairy pits. A murmur filled the Tabernacle. That's all I'll say. All in all, they played a very cool set and because of Brian's make-up, I now have a little thing for mimes. Especially if they can drum.
Next up was Nine Inch Nails. Yay. I had to nervous pee until they got on stage. It was ridiculous. *Anyway* I have no idea what song they opened with -- Ames? -- because I was overwhelmed with two feelings at once: holy shit Trent Reznor is right there and holy shit these people are insane, I'm going to die here.
The teeny girl next to me (Ames got swept away in the insanity) and I tried to hold each other and our guys up and ogle TR at the same time. It took a lot of energy. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only one song, I said to my wonderful husband "get me out of here!" And he did. The man literally dragged me out of the mosh pit. He is freakishly strong. I am grateful.
Ok, so flash forward a few minutes. Amy and I are in a mosh-free space, reveling in the fact that Trent Reznor is *right there*. We are sharing the same air as him. Holy shit. (Louis XIV, we think the same thing everytime we see you guys, too. I promise.) We start jockeying for a good position. Some blonde chick practically knocks me on my ass on her way to the bar. Hello, I would have moved on my own...
So, back to the music. I honestly don't remember the set list, but I remember specific moments from each song. I'm sure if I thought about it long enough (and at some point I probably will) I could re-assemble it. Just know that they played some awesome old songs and only 3 off the new album. While I would have loved to hear "Only" live, I was still deeply satisfied.
I distinctly remember that in the middle of "Closer" (I don't know why, but I love watching Trent's lips form the word "fuck") Trent did a stage dive. I think Amy and I were completely in each other's head at that moment, because the look on her face said "we never should have left the pit!" and that is exactly what I was thinking. It was very cool -- the stage dive and the venn moment.
There's been a lot of talk about the new band Trent is touring with. I think Jerome is the only guy left from last tour, but you know what? They were awesome together. I don't know if they rehersed a lot or if they're all on the same level or what but the music sounded great. I must admit that I did miss the faces Robin Finck makes on stage, but I honestly didn't even realize that was missing until a day or two after the show. What do you think, Ames? Did you miss Robin? Oh! Don't let me forget to tell them about the annoying chick with the voice.

OK, It's Amy again. No, I didn't miss Robin. I had eyes only for Trent, although I did notice how clean and tight the music was and how well the band seemed to fit together. I have a fondness for Jerome. We won't get into why. ;-)
I wish he would have sung more songs from the new CD because they are SO good. I would have loved to hear "Only," "Every Day Is Exactly The Same," "With Teeth" and "Sunspots." Especially "Only." When that song shifts into part two and it just starts to jam out, I am in the throes of musical ecstacy. seriously. But there are lots of those moments: the double drum beat in the middle of "Do You Know What You Are?" and the piano-backed, kick-drum laced, gorgeously sung bridge in "Every Day" and the sex-drenched lyrics of "sunspots." Yipe.
But I agree, the concert was great. Not only did I get up close with Trent, but there was a brutally hot girl pressing into me for a little while in the pit. Heh heh. I just hope that Trent opens up and does more of the new stuff in upcoming shows. I think he needs to trust his fans. If you would have been there and heard the entire crowd (except for one obnoxious chick)singing along with "Hurt" you would know that his fans love what he does and would love to hear new stuff too.
I think that's all I have? Any closing remarks, Elaine?
Uhhh... he turns me on. he makes it real....
Wait, you meant real closing remarks. Not so much. Just *loved* the show, LOVED it. If NIN is doing a show within a day's drive of you, GO! It's worth it. Pay whatever you have to for tickets. You won't regret it.
Before I go I have a public service announcement. For those who are new to NIN or are attending the concert because someone had an extra ticket, whatever. 1)NIN is sex music. We all know it. No need to announce this during a pivotal moment of a very hot song. 2) DO NOT TALK REALLY LOUD DURING HURT! In fact, it's best not to talk at all. Just be in the music. If you *must* talk, please whisper. I don't need to hear about your purse or the people giving you dirty looks because your voice is too loud. Just SHUT UP. If you must speak, go to the bathroom. Talk there. If you have an extremely nasal voice with a really thick NY accent, please learn sign language. The people around you will be grateful.
That's all I got. Now we have to post pictures. Yummy. Heh heh heh.
Oh, one more thing, Ames, is Hurt about self mutilation?
Elaine, that is horrid.
I have one more thing too...I am getting sick of hearing people criticizing Trent for the new CD. I LOVE THE NEW STUFF! There are people out there saying that he's gone soft, that he's "turning emo" (I swear, someone told me that today. I about tore her eyes out) and that they wish he would do stuff that is more like The Downward Spiral. You know what? I don't WANT another DS. That album was born out of substance abuse, pain and misery. I love this new CD because you can hear how clear his head is, how crisp and clean and pointed every note and every word is, and how he might still be singing about pain and loss, but he's in a place where he can look back and appreciate where it put him. He makes fun of himself. People are ALLOWED TO CHANGE! Seriously. I criticize bands more for sounding the same on new records, not for sticking their neck out and doing something new. The true fans love this CD. The posers who call "Closer" the "fuck you like an animal song" are the ones who can't appreciate "With Teeth" for what it is: a solid, masterful peice of music. In the immortal words of Garth: LIVE IN THE NOW!!!!
(lookit that, Elaine, I used a Garth quote! heh heh)
Have you ever noticed how nicely Wayne's World can wrap things up? I love it!
I agree, Amy. If you want to hear the same music over and over and over again NIN is not the band for you. Good bands evolve. Example: The Beatles. Bands who do the same thing over and over fade into obscurity. Example: Hootie and the Blowfish. Sorry, Hootie fans, its true. They had some good songs, but all their records sound the same to me. Plus, now when I hear their music all I can think about is Burger King. Way to go Darius Rucker. And quite frankly, *I've* evolved. I think if With Teeth sounded just like The Downward Spiral I wouldn't be able to get into it. People grow. Deal with it.
Ames, would you like to have the last word?
Sure.... but first...7 little words...
Between that little fact and the new AMAZING Better Than Ezra, I'm blissful.
The track that Brian and Jason helped them with is called "It's Only Natural" and it's a dirty, acoustic, almost spanish-sounding track. You can clearly hear Brian and Jason singing backup. SO COOL. It's just divine providence that the song is about sex. Heh heh.

God, I love music.
Oh one more thing, I just tracked down the setlist for our show! Here it is:
1. Pinion (I think he was trying to kill us all by opening with such a tough one)
2. The Frail
3. The Wretched
4. Wish
5. Sin
6. The Line Begins to blur (yay for new stuff... Is there somebody on top of me?..)
7. March of the Pigs
8. Something I can never have
9. The hand that feeds
10. Terrible Lie
11. Closer
12. Home
13. Burn
14. Reptile (This song was freakin' AMAZING live)
15. You know what you are (LOVE this song)
16. Suck
17. Gave Up
18. Hurt (EVERYONE sang along. It was a moment of levity) (Everyone except the nasally chick with the purse who insisted on talking through it. But I'm not bitter. Noooooo.)
19. Starfuckers
20. Head like a hole
I'm done, Pequita. ;-)
p.s. DAMN this is a LONG post.
We saw Nine Inch Nails at the Tabernacle in Atlanta, on May 21st. There are no words to describe how amazing the show was. But we will try.
Amy, are you out of your lust coma? Would you like to start describing Mr. Trent Reznor's extreme hotness?
Thank you Elaine, of course I would. However, I am not quite out of the lustful state yet. It's not a coma anymore so much as psychosis. I can't listen to With Teeth anymore without picturing the muscular, smoldering, sinewy, gorgeously sweaty, screaming, sighing, aching, REAL Trent. He's REAL! REAL! He EXISTS! We saw him! In fact, we were six feet away during some of the show (until the aforementioned brush with concert death under the feet of a thousand riled up gothies happened) and about five feet away AFTER the show.

Although, to be honest, I still feel like I was watching it on TV. I've loved that man for half my life. The entire half that has been interested in sex. ;-)
Any more thoughts, Elaine?
p.s. MUST... SEE... HIM... AGAIN.... VOO.... DOO.... MUSIC...FESTIVAL...
Ok, so that covers the Trent is hot aspect. Let's move on to the concert itself. The Dresden Dolls opened and they were awesome. I love the drummer, Brian Viglione. He's very cool. About halfway through the show, Amanda Palmer, weird girl/frontman extrodiare, lifted her arms to reveal very hairy pits. A murmur filled the Tabernacle. That's all I'll say. All in all, they played a very cool set and because of Brian's make-up, I now have a little thing for mimes. Especially if they can drum.
Next up was Nine Inch Nails. Yay. I had to nervous pee until they got on stage. It was ridiculous. *Anyway* I have no idea what song they opened with -- Ames? -- because I was overwhelmed with two feelings at once: holy shit Trent Reznor is right there and holy shit these people are insane, I'm going to die here.
The teeny girl next to me (Ames got swept away in the insanity) and I tried to hold each other and our guys up and ogle TR at the same time. It took a lot of energy. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only one song, I said to my wonderful husband "get me out of here!" And he did. The man literally dragged me out of the mosh pit. He is freakishly strong. I am grateful.
Ok, so flash forward a few minutes. Amy and I are in a mosh-free space, reveling in the fact that Trent Reznor is *right there*. We are sharing the same air as him. Holy shit. (Louis XIV, we think the same thing everytime we see you guys, too. I promise.) We start jockeying for a good position. Some blonde chick practically knocks me on my ass on her way to the bar. Hello, I would have moved on my own...
So, back to the music. I honestly don't remember the set list, but I remember specific moments from each song. I'm sure if I thought about it long enough (and at some point I probably will) I could re-assemble it. Just know that they played some awesome old songs and only 3 off the new album. While I would have loved to hear "Only" live, I was still deeply satisfied.
I distinctly remember that in the middle of "Closer" (I don't know why, but I love watching Trent's lips form the word "fuck") Trent did a stage dive. I think Amy and I were completely in each other's head at that moment, because the look on her face said "we never should have left the pit!" and that is exactly what I was thinking. It was very cool -- the stage dive and the venn moment.
There's been a lot of talk about the new band Trent is touring with. I think Jerome is the only guy left from last tour, but you know what? They were awesome together. I don't know if they rehersed a lot or if they're all on the same level or what but the music sounded great. I must admit that I did miss the faces Robin Finck makes on stage, but I honestly didn't even realize that was missing until a day or two after the show. What do you think, Ames? Did you miss Robin? Oh! Don't let me forget to tell them about the annoying chick with the voice.

OK, It's Amy again. No, I didn't miss Robin. I had eyes only for Trent, although I did notice how clean and tight the music was and how well the band seemed to fit together. I have a fondness for Jerome. We won't get into why. ;-)
I wish he would have sung more songs from the new CD because they are SO good. I would have loved to hear "Only," "Every Day Is Exactly The Same," "With Teeth" and "Sunspots." Especially "Only." When that song shifts into part two and it just starts to jam out, I am in the throes of musical ecstacy. seriously. But there are lots of those moments: the double drum beat in the middle of "Do You Know What You Are?" and the piano-backed, kick-drum laced, gorgeously sung bridge in "Every Day" and the sex-drenched lyrics of "sunspots." Yipe.
But I agree, the concert was great. Not only did I get up close with Trent, but there was a brutally hot girl pressing into me for a little while in the pit. Heh heh. I just hope that Trent opens up and does more of the new stuff in upcoming shows. I think he needs to trust his fans. If you would have been there and heard the entire crowd (except for one obnoxious chick)singing along with "Hurt" you would know that his fans love what he does and would love to hear new stuff too.
I think that's all I have? Any closing remarks, Elaine?
Uhhh... he turns me on. he makes it real....
Wait, you meant real closing remarks. Not so much. Just *loved* the show, LOVED it. If NIN is doing a show within a day's drive of you, GO! It's worth it. Pay whatever you have to for tickets. You won't regret it.
Before I go I have a public service announcement. For those who are new to NIN or are attending the concert because someone had an extra ticket, whatever. 1)NIN is sex music. We all know it. No need to announce this during a pivotal moment of a very hot song. 2) DO NOT TALK REALLY LOUD DURING HURT! In fact, it's best not to talk at all. Just be in the music. If you *must* talk, please whisper. I don't need to hear about your purse or the people giving you dirty looks because your voice is too loud. Just SHUT UP. If you must speak, go to the bathroom. Talk there. If you have an extremely nasal voice with a really thick NY accent, please learn sign language. The people around you will be grateful.
That's all I got. Now we have to post pictures. Yummy. Heh heh heh.
Oh, one more thing, Ames, is Hurt about self mutilation?
Elaine, that is horrid.
I have one more thing too...I am getting sick of hearing people criticizing Trent for the new CD. I LOVE THE NEW STUFF! There are people out there saying that he's gone soft, that he's "turning emo" (I swear, someone told me that today. I about tore her eyes out) and that they wish he would do stuff that is more like The Downward Spiral. You know what? I don't WANT another DS. That album was born out of substance abuse, pain and misery. I love this new CD because you can hear how clear his head is, how crisp and clean and pointed every note and every word is, and how he might still be singing about pain and loss, but he's in a place where he can look back and appreciate where it put him. He makes fun of himself. People are ALLOWED TO CHANGE! Seriously. I criticize bands more for sounding the same on new records, not for sticking their neck out and doing something new. The true fans love this CD. The posers who call "Closer" the "fuck you like an animal song" are the ones who can't appreciate "With Teeth" for what it is: a solid, masterful peice of music. In the immortal words of Garth: LIVE IN THE NOW!!!!
(lookit that, Elaine, I used a Garth quote! heh heh)
Have you ever noticed how nicely Wayne's World can wrap things up? I love it!
I agree, Amy. If you want to hear the same music over and over and over again NIN is not the band for you. Good bands evolve. Example: The Beatles. Bands who do the same thing over and over fade into obscurity. Example: Hootie and the Blowfish. Sorry, Hootie fans, its true. They had some good songs, but all their records sound the same to me. Plus, now when I hear their music all I can think about is Burger King. Way to go Darius Rucker. And quite frankly, *I've* evolved. I think if With Teeth sounded just like The Downward Spiral I wouldn't be able to get into it. People grow. Deal with it.
Ames, would you like to have the last word?
Sure.... but first...7 little words...
Between that little fact and the new AMAZING Better Than Ezra, I'm blissful.
The track that Brian and Jason helped them with is called "It's Only Natural" and it's a dirty, acoustic, almost spanish-sounding track. You can clearly hear Brian and Jason singing backup. SO COOL. It's just divine providence that the song is about sex. Heh heh.

Oh one more thing, I just tracked down the setlist for our show! Here it is:
1. Pinion (I think he was trying to kill us all by opening with such a tough one)
2. The Frail
3. The Wretched
4. Wish
5. Sin
6. The Line Begins to blur (yay for new stuff... Is there somebody on top of me?..)
7. March of the Pigs
8. Something I can never have
9. The hand that feeds
10. Terrible Lie
11. Closer
12. Home
13. Burn
14. Reptile (This song was freakin' AMAZING live)
15. You know what you are (LOVE this song)
16. Suck
17. Gave Up
18. Hurt (EVERYONE sang along. It was a moment of levity) (Everyone except the nasally chick with the purse who insisted on talking through it. But I'm not bitter. Noooooo.)
19. Starfuckers
20. Head like a hole
I'm done, Pequita. ;-)
p.s. DAMN this is a LONG post.
Yeah, it's long! But Trent deserves it. And look at all of the other stuff we love that we were able to squeeze in. Yay!
Oops, I took the last word. Sorry!
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